Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Selfish Fulfillment

This is an excerpt from the following story: "McCain: Overall faith what's important"

In a June interview with McClatchy Newspapers, the senator said his wife and two of their children have been baptized in the Arizona Baptist church, but he had not. "I didn't find it necessary to do so for my spiritual needs," he said.

He told McClatchy he found the Baptist church more fulfilling than the Episcopal church, but still referred to himself as an Episcopalian.

I realize that this is yet another political article in my blog, but I promise that I will not be dealing with any sort of social or political agendas (those are best left to other blogs). Instead, this quote worries me because I believe it is evident of an ever-present but growing trend in our society and among those who profess to be Christian: that Baptism and other evidences of submission to Christ as Lord are unnecessary and only exist for our edification and self-satisfaction.

The Presidential candidates have "evangelical strategists" that help them to court the vote the "Christian" community through the use of faith-based words, actions and associations. Instead of worrying about whether or not a candidate condones murder of innocent children, some of our Christian brothers and sisters care more about a candidate's shallow words or affiliation. The next post will be some selective excerpts from a recent Pew survey that will further demonstrate the responsibility of His children that have been provided with the Truth and have had it revealed to them through His Word that we have much work to be done in our "own house".

(Sorry, I thought I posted this the other day!)

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